Work Safety

  • Periodically take a petrol check every month in order to find and solve any problem.
  • Perform two fire protection drills every year in order to enhance the employees’ emergency response ability.

Environmental Protection

  • This company has been certified to ISO14001.
  • Environmental guideline: This company fully considers environmental protection during work and put its mind to environmental improvement.

Environmental performance in 2017:

  • Below zero environmental conflict;
  • Legal disposal and transfer of 100% dangerous waste;
  • Wastewater is treated in Sembcorp to reach the take-over standard;
  • Comprehensive environmental control and normal on-line monitoring of rainwater, wastewater and waste gas;
  • Implement one policy for one plant and get an approval from environmental protection administration;
  • Wastewater and waste gas are monitored by EHS Care. All the monitoring results meet relevant standards;
  • Dioxin from the incinerator is detected by a qualified test company. The test results meet the permissible limits.
  • Perform LDAR test;
  • Install VOCs on-line monitors.

Environmental protection work plan for 2018:

  • Below zero environmental conflict;
  • Legal disposal and transfer of 100% dangerous waste;
  • Wastewater is treated in Sembcorp to reach the take-over standard;
  • Perform LDAR test;
  • Positively perform VOCs acceptance auditing;
  • Check the potential soil risks;
  • Wastewater, waste gas and noise level are monitored by a qualified monitoring company. All the monitoring results meet relevant standards;
  • Dioxin from the incinerator is detected by a qualified test company. The test results meet the permissible limits.

Employees’ Rights and Interests

  • The labour union of this company periodically communicates with the employees, collects their opinions or advice on this company and answers their questions.
  • Any major decision of this company is made by exchange with the labour union in order to guarantee the employees’ rights and interests.

Social Commonweal

  • Periodically donate the requisite articles to social welfare institution every year.
  • Organize the employees for public benefit activities, including rubbish collection, etc.