Representative product:ARONIX M-211B/M-215/M-225/M-240

End-use:Ink,printed matter,paper diaper

Ink, Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) (two functional groups),End-use: Ink, printed matter, paper diaper

Trade name ARONIX M-211B ARONIX M-215 ARONIX M-225 ARONIX M-240
Chemical name Ethoxylated Bisphenol-A Diacrylate Ethoxylated Isocyanurate Diacrylate Polypropylene Glycol(400) Diacrylate Polyethylene Glycol(200)Diacrylate
Color(APHA) <300 <100 <200 <100
Viscosity(mPa・s)  950-1,350/25 3,500-1,5000/25 30-40/25 13-24/25
Acid value(mPa・s/℃) less than 1.0 less than 1.3 less than 1.0 less than 1.0
Refractive index(n D25) 1.536 1.515 1.450 1.469
Flash point(℃)   210℃ Polymerization 35 208 154℃ Polymerization
Inhiibitor(ppm)   460 1,470 100 200
Skin irritation(P.I.I.) 0.4 3.7 0.8 4.0
Registration CRC
Properties of cured film Tensile strength(Mpa) 52 49 2.6 19
Elongation(%) 0-10 0-10 10 0-10
Tg(℃) 75 166 -8 50
Characteristics quick curing,low skin irritability,high hardness Toluene(4~9%),OH,good thermal stability,high hardness PPG#400,Good dilution PEG#200,low viscosity
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